About the Conference Proceedings

We would like to announce that proceedings of our conference will be published in the International Journal of Modern Physics. We expect that papers should be full-length articles with 16 pages limit for invited  talks and 8 pages limit for oral talks and posters. To expedite publishing of the invited  articles and oral and poster talks, an agreement was made with the journal IJMPD to publish them as they are submitted to that journal  by the HEPRO-6 organisers,  after reviewing by referees.

The proceedings editors are supposed to be:  F. Aharonian, G. Bisnovatyi-Kogan and S. Moiseenko.

Deadline for article submission is December 20, 2017.

Details about IJMPD submission are as follows. The preferred manuscript delivery for this journal is LaTeX using their journal macros, downloadable from this site which each submitting author should read: International Journal of Modern Physics D Submission Guidelines.

Articles prepared in this way should be sent in a zipped file archive to hepro6@cosmos.ru together with a successfully typeset PDF version of the article and we will transmit the article to the journal. Please name your file using first author (speaker) name: lastname_initials.tex, like smith_j.tex.The email from invited speakers should have the subject header: "HEPRO6 invited article by XXXX for IJMPD", where XXXX is the lead author name. Oral and poster talks articles should use the subject heading  "HEPRO6 oral (poster) talk article by XXXX for IJMPD", where XXXX is the lead author name.  Questions can always be directed to the meeting email box: hepro6@cosmos.ru.